




Solar Off-Grid Power System

Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity. Off-grid electrification means not being connected to the main electrical grid. It is ideal for areas with little access to electricity such as in rural areas or even homes, schools, clinics, research centers etc. PRE offers retail, design, consultation, and installation services for solar-photovoltaic and solar heating systems. Training courses in solar PV-design and installation basics are available at CREATE.

Solar Powerbank

Solar power bank kits are small-scale and portable power systems that require minimum installation. These are reliable, adaptable, pre-designed, and pre-assembled solar power systems. The display on the power bank shows system status at all times.

Micro-Hydro System

A hydro power system uses the energy of moving water to power a hydro-electric turbine. A micro hydro system can generate power within the range of 1-100 kilowatts. This is ideal for electrification of small areas nearby a river with little to no access to electricity. PRE’s engineering team fabricates and assembles turbines at CREATE. Pico-hydro turbines are kept in stock and Pelton turbines can be custom-made to order. PRE also provides feasibility studies, surveys, designs, consultations, and installation services for micro-hydro systems.

Download Our Sales Kit!

This kit includes a company summary, a detailed overview of our services, a process flowchart, and our past community and commercial projects.